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Winter Garden Little League

Winter Garden Little League





WGLL Local Ground Rules


Winter Garden Little League adheres to the Rules, Regulations and Policies of Little League Baseball, Incorporated (the “green book” or “rulebook”) with the exception of the Local Ground Rules as outlined in this document. The Local Ground Rules pertain to particular situations or field conditions that are not specifically covered in the rulebook. 


Tee-Ball Division 

Tee-ball is instructional in purpose to teach young (3-5 year olds) player’s fundamentals of baseball in a fun learning environment.

1.     Each team is allowed One (1) Manager, Three (3) Coaches.  

2.     Runs scored and defensive outs are not to be counted.

3.     Teams shall bat an equal number of times.           

4.     In each half inning, teams shall bat the entire roster one (1) time.

5.     Little League approved Tee-ball baseballs are used for practices and games.

6.     Batter shall have five (5) swings to put the ball in play.

7.     Bunting is NOT permitted in T-Ball.

8.     A foul ball on the fifth swing allows for additional swings until the ball is in play or the batter misses the ball. (A foul ball is a ball not reaching the infield grass or into foul territory)

9.     All players shall play on the field with no players on the bench.

a.     Each player must play an infield position at least one inning, with six (6) players in the infield, including pitcher and catcher.  Infield positions may be positioned along the front edge of the infield clay.  Remaining players positioned in the outfield may be positioned at the back edge of the infield clay. 

b.     The catcher will be equipped with a facemask and a catcher's glove.

c.     Pitcher shall remain in the pitcher circle until ball is in play. 

10.   Runners may only advance one base at a time per live ball.

11.   Games shall not start until the Concession Stand is staffed per league schedule.


1.     A complete game consists of Three (3) innings or sixty (60) minutes.

2.     A new inning may not begin 45 minutes after the start of the game.


Single A


The “A” division is instructional in purpose to teach young (5–6-year-old) players the fundamentals of baseball in a fun learning environment.  Skill Development, Teamwork and Fair Play are emphasized. All five and six -year-old players may play in the A Division after one (1) season of Spring Tee Ball.


All 5 and 6-year-old players may participate in the A Division after completing one season of Spring Tee Ball.

Team Staff:

Each team is permitted One (1) Manager, Three (3) Coaches and (1) Team Parent

A.     Only members of the staff are allowed on the field and in the dugout during games and practices.

B.     Three defense coaches are allowed on the field. 

                                                    I.          Two defensive coaches may be positioned in the outfield foul area of first and third base at the (20) foot back mark.

                                                  II.          A third defensive coach can be positioned behind home plate.

                                                 III.          An approved coach or team parent must remain in the dugout with other players during the game.

You cannot exceed three members on the field (dug out is not included) during the game.

Managerial Responsibilities:

A.     Managers and coaches are responsible for cleanup after the game and must ensure a clean environment in the dugouts and bleachers.

B.     Managers and coaches shall follow the direction of the field umpire if present.

C.    Managers and coaches are also responsible for keeping their kids safe.

                                                    I.          No player may have a bat in their hand unless they have a helmet on their head and are headed to the batter's box. 

D.    Both team managers and coaches shall clean up dugouts and bleachers after the game and encourage their parents and fans to keep their area clean.

E.     There are no protests in the A Division.

F.     Games are played in accordance with Little League Rules and Regulations unless stated in these ground rules.

Game Time rules:

  1. Single-A games may start with 8 players on a team. 
    1. There will be no penalty (no-out) for a missing player in the lineup.
  2. Games are not to exceed One Hour and thirty Minutes. 1:30
  3. A new inning may not begin one hour and thirty minutes 1:30 after the start of the game.

The game starts after the coach's meeting and the home team calls play ball.

  1. A completed half inning is when three (3) outs are recorded or three (3) runs scored.
  2. Each game will be played for a maximum of five (5) innings regardless of if there is a tied score.

In the fifth inning ONLY, teams shall:

  1. Bat an equal number of players one (1) time or until three (3) outs are recorded.
  2. The team with the greater number of players determines the number of at-bats.
  3. Little League-approved single A Baseballs are to be used during the game.
  4. Games shall not start until Concession Stand is staffed per the league schedule.

                           I.          The home team will provide one (1) parent to work at the concession stand.


A.     A continuous batting order is used, ensuring all players bat.

                                                    i.     Each batter has five (5) pitches to put the ball in play.

B.     A player who fouls off the fifth pitch and any subsequent pitch remains at bat until: 

                           I.          Swing and Hit (ball in play).  

                          II.          Swing and Miss (Out).  

                        III.          No Swing (Out).

                       IV.          There will be no base awarded for walks.

C.    USA Baseball bats must be used.

                           I.          Travel ball bats are not authorized in the dug out or to be used.

                         II.          T-Ball bats are not authorized.

D.    The Infield Fly Rule is NOT in effect for single A.

E.     Bunting is NOT permitted in Single A.



All players must play at least two innings (6 defensive outs) in the infield prior to the start of the 5th inning. Failure to do so could result in the manager being suspended from their next game played. 

**Players may NOT play the same position for more than 2 innings in a game

Infield (6)

A.     Six (6) players in the infield, including pitcher and catcher. 

B.     All infielders (other than pitcher and catcher) are required to be positioned in the infield clay until the ball reaches home plate. 

C.    The pitcher remains in the pitcher circle until the ball is in play.

D.    Catcher does not count as an infield position of the 2 innings that must be played by each player. 

Outfield (4)

A.     Players are positioned in the outfield at a minimum of twenty (20) feet back from infield clay. 

Managers Fielding Options

A.     If a team has 9 players, they must utilize a catcher and 3 outfielders. 

B.     If a team has 8 or fewer players, a manager may discuss with the other manager about removing your catcher for a 3rd outfielder or 2nd outfielder if you have 7.

Base Running:

A.     The ball remains live until.

a.     The infield player returns the ball to the Offensive pitch coach. 

b.      The ball crosses back into the infield from the outfield.

c.      If the batter is greater than halfway between the bases they do not have to return to the prior base. If less than halfway between the bases they must return once the ball crosses back into the infield.

B.     Runners may not advance once the umpire calls time.

C.    Each runner is allowed to advance one (1) base at their own risk of an overthrow.

For base running, ask yourself this:

Would the runner advance if a Major League player were controlling the ball? This rule is intended to prevent abuse of base running when under normal circumstance the runner would not advance.

Coach Pitch and Officiating:

A.     Coach pitch is utilized for the entire game, with the coach positioned 25’ from home plate.

B.     The Coach Pitcher shall not receive or touch the ball until the ball is no longer live.

C.    Coaches are recommended to wear a glove while pitching for safety purposes.  If possible, avoid touching the ball while in play. 

                           I.          However, if you do so by accident or to protect yourself the ball will be immediately dead, and all players will be awarded a single base.

D.    Coach can pitch from a standing or kneeled position as long as the pitch is delivered in an overhand manner.  Underhand toss is not allowed.

E.     An umpire may or may not be present. In the absence of an umpire, the coach for the offensive team keeps pitch count and calls at bases.

F.     No harassment or disrespect towards umpires, and coaches are responsible for their fans' behavior.


A.     All games are played following Little League Rules and Regulations unless otherwise stated in these ground rules.

B.     Protests are not permitted in the A Division.

 By adhering to these ground rules, we aim to provide a positive and enjoyable baseball experience for all participants in the A Division.

Winter Garden Little League adheres to the Rules, Regulations and Policies of Little League Baseball, Incorporated (the “green book” or “rulebook”) with the exception of the Local Ground Rules as outlined in this document. The Local Ground Rules pertain to particular situations or field conditions that are not specifically covered in the rulebook. 


Rookies Division 

(Voted on and passed by WGLL BOD 04/2024)

The Rookie Division is instructional in purpose to teach young (7&8-year-old) players the fundamentals of baseball in a fun learning environment. 


Rookie Division games may start with 8 players on a team.  There will be no penalty (out) for a missing player in the lineup.

(Voted on and passed by WGLL BOD 2/11/2021.)


Team Staff

Each team is allowed One (1) Manager, three (3) assistant Coaches, and one (1) Team Parent

a.      Only members of the staff are allowed on the field and in the dugout during games and practices.

b.      Two defense coaches are allowed on the field. 

                                                     i.     These two coaches may be positioned only in the outfield foul area of first and third base.

                                                    ii.     A second option in one (1) coach positioned behind home plate and the second coach positioned in the left field foul line area (20) feet.  

                                                   iii.     An approved coach or team parent must remain in the dugout with other players during the game.

                                                  iv.     You cannot exceed three members on the field (dug out is included) during the game.


Managers and coaches are also responsible for keeping their kids safe.

·        No player may have a bat in their hand unless they have a helmet on their head and are headed to the batter's box. 

·        Travel Ball Bats are prohibited from the dugout and field.

·        USA Baseball Bats only

There are no protests in the Rookie Division.

Game Time:

1.      Games are not to exceed One Hour and thirty Minutes. 1:30

2.      A new inning may not begin one hour and thirty minutes 1:30 after the start of the game.

a.      The game starts after the coach's meeting and the home team calls play ball.

3.      A completed half inning is when three (3) outs are recorded or three (3) runs scored.

4.      Each game will be played for a maximum of five (5) innings regardless of if there is a tied score.

a.      In the fifth inning ONLY, teams shall:

·        Bat an equal number of players one (1) time or until three (3) outs are recorded.

·        The team with the greater number of players determines the number of at-bats.

·        Little League-approved Minor Division Baseballs are to be used during the game.

5.      The Infield Fly Rule is NOT in effect for the Rookie Division.

6.      Bunting is NOT permitted in the Rookie Division.

7.      Base stealing will not be allowed in the Rookie Division.

8.      Games shall not start until Concession Stand is staffed per the league schedule.

a.      The home team will provide one (1) parent to work the concession stand.



·        Two adult base coaches are allowed. Only two defensive coaches are allowed on the field.  These two coaches may be positioned only in the outfield foul area of first and third base.  

·        An approved coach must remain in the dugout with any other players.

·        Managers and coaches are also responsible for keeping their kids safe.

·        No player may have a bat in their hand unless they have a helmet on their head and are headed to the batter's box. 

·        There are no protests in the Rookie Division


Pitchers (Player)

The designated pitchers will pitch the game's first two innings.

·        In the first two innings, the pitcher shall deliver the ball to the batter until:

o   The ball is put into play. 

o   The batter strikes out. 

o   The batter is hit by a pitch from the pitcher (player) (1st base is awarded to the batter) 

o   The pitcher runs the count to 3 balls. Once the pitcher runs the count to 3 balls, the remainder of the at-bat shall be delivered by coach pitch, operated by the offensive team’s coach.

·        Coach pitch will only be used in the first two innings once the count gets to three (3) balls.

·        In the 3rd inning, the offense coach will pitch for the remainder of the game. 

When the pitcher (player) is on the mound, the rules are as follows:

·        Each player is allowed to pitch a maximum of one (1) inning per week.

The pitcher will throw from the front of the mound “40” feet.

Coach Pitch
Coach Pitch will assume the count of the batter at the time it is brought into play.
- Coach pitch will not exceed SIX pitches. In innings 1-2.
- There are no walks, and a batter is not awarded first base if hit by a pitch during the coach pitch.
- If a batted ball strikes the coach, it is a dead ball; the batter is awarded a single, and runners will
advance one base.

The offensive team's coach shall pitch when Coach Pitching is used (innings 3-5).
- The batter shall have 7 pitches to put the ball in play.
- There will be no walks while coach pitching is used, and the batter will be out after three (3) strikes or 7
pitches have been thrown.
- provided the fourth and subsequent pitches are not fouled off.
- Foul balls count as a miss on pitches 1-3. 
- A foul ball on a 3rd swing will result in another pitch.
- The “Coach Pitcher” shall not receive or touch the ball until the ball is no longer live.

Player Rules

1.      No player shall be allowed to sit more than one inning in a row.

2.      A Maximum of ten (10) defensive players and two (2) coaches shall be on the field.

a.      Six (6) players in the infield, including pitcher and catcher. 

b.      Four (4) players in the outfield.

3.      All infielders (other than pitcher and catcher) must be positioned in the infield clay until the ball reaches home plate. 

4.      All outfielders must remain at least twenty (20) feet back from infield clay before the ball is in play.

a.      Pitcher must remain in the pitcher's circle until the ball is in play during the 3rd, 4th, and 5th inning.

5.      All players must play at least two innings (6 defensive outs) in the infield.

a.       Failure to do so will result in the manager being suspended from the next game played. 

b.      Catcher counts as an infield position throughout the game.

6.      Players may NOT play the same position for more than two (2) innings consecutively.

7.      The ball will remain live until it is thrown into the infield and an infielder controls it.

Note: Control of the ball is when the infielder has possession of the ball in their glove or hand.

a.       For this rule, ask yourself: Would the runner advance if a Major League player controlled the ball?

b.      This rule is intended to prevent abuse of base running when, under normal circumstances, the runner would not advance.

8.      The runner is awarded the next base if it is more than halfway to the next base.

a.      Runners may not advance to the next base once the umpire/coach calls time.

b.      Runners who stop or return to a base are not awarded the next base.

c.      Runners can advance one (1) base at their own risk on an overthrow to first base only; no extra bases are rewarded on any subsequent throw.


1.      An umpire may or may not be present and is not required.

2.      The Rookie Division umpires may be either a volunteer from the stands who has completed a volunteer application form, a league-approved umpire scheduled by the league, a player from either the Senior or Junior Divisions, a volunteer from a local High School, or any person appointed by the league to officiate the game.

3.      The coach for the “offense” (team on the field), shall call balls and strikes during the first two innings if an umpire is not present. (Batters are encouraged to swing and put the ball in play, coaches should encourage this by fairly calling balls and strikes)

a.      If the player can hit the ball, call it a strike.

b.      The strike zone is at the bottom of the shoulder line and at the top of the knees.



Minors Division  

The Minors (formerly AAA) Division is an extension of the Majors Division consisting of 8-10 year old players.

* Minors games may start with 8 players on a team.  “Teams will be allowed to start a game with 8 players; however, the missing player in the lineup will count as an out until a 9th player arrives, regardless of where the player is in the lineup. (Voted on and passed by WGLL BOD 2/11/2021.)

1.     Each team is allowed One (1) Manager, Two (2) Coaches.

2.     A complete half inning is when three (3) outs are recorded or five (5) runs score.

3.     In the sixth inning ONLY, teams shall:    

a.     Bat an equal number of players one time, or until 3 outs are recorded.

b.     The team with the greater number of players determines the number of at bats.

4.     Minors division shall adopt a policy of a continuous batting order that will include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order.

5.     Uncaught (“Dropped”) third strike is not in effect for Minors Division.

6.     Pitcher shall not pitch more than the maximum of 55 pitches in a calendar week beginning on Monday, while also adhering to any Green Book days of rest. (Weekly pitch limits are subject to change).

7.      All players MUST play at least one inning (3 defensive outs) in the infield.  Failure to do so may result in the manager being suspended for the next game. Voted on and passed by WGLL Board of Directors on 8/5/2018.

8.     No player shall be allowed to sit more than one inning in a row.

9.     Games shall not start until Concession Stand is staffed per league schedule.



  1. A new inning may not begin one hour and forty-five minutes after the start of the game.



  1. At 7:15pm, if either team cannot mathematically match the opponents score, the game will be considered complete and a hard stop will occur at 7:15pm.  For this rule, it doesn’t matter if the home or visiting team is at bat. Voted on and passed by WGLL Board of Directors on 2/13/2020.



Major Division

The Major Division is the core division of Little League Baseball consisting of 10-12 year old players. 

1.     Each team is allowed One (1) Manager, Two (2) Coaches.

2.     Majors division shall adopt a policy of a continuous batting order that will include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order.

3.     Pitcher shall not pitch more than the maximum of 65 pitches in a calendar week, beginning on Monday, while also adhering to any Green Book days of rest. (Weekly pitch limits are subject to change).

4.     No player shall be allowed to sit more than one inning in a row.

5.     It is encouraged to have all players play at least one inning (3 defensive outs) in the infield. 

6.     Games shall not start until Concession Stand is staffed per league schedule. 


1.     A new inning may not begin one hour and forty-five minutes after the start of the game.


Winter Garden Little League
13900 CR 455, Suite 107 #500
Clermont, Florida 34711

Email: [email protected]

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